As Christians We Should Reach Out Beyond Our Normal Grasp

‘Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?’

Robert Browning from ‘Andrea del Sarto’ 

Doctors are trained, peer reviewed and accredited to practice medicine. As such they are comfortable to practice in accordance with their training and experience. Likewise in life, God equips and prepares us to serve Him. However, occasionally He will challenge us to reach out well beyond our comfort zone. If we are willing to do so, He equips and prepares us by extending our abilities. Our faith, and our confidence are strengthened to meet the need and to fulfil His purpose.

Yes we have certain gifts, talents and abilities and we are comfortable to exercise these. But God has an even bigger plan for us. In The Man In White, you will meet people who were extended well beyond their comfort zones. These are ordinary people like you and I who were able to accomplish amazing feats by putting their trust in God. ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’