The Man in White

The Man in WhiteThere is an insatiable hunger in the soul of man for relationship with a creator God. Nothing else will suffice. This may be expressed in terms of faith, hope and sometimes exasperation. Other times it may be expressed as a barrage of arguments against the existence of God by those not willing to expose their souls and submit themselves to His grace, yet reluctant to exclude the one who can bring meaning and hope to their existence.

Many people today are aware of the historical Jesus. They are familiar with His life, His times and teaching, yet fail to know Him on a meaningful basis. There are few who are able to relate personally to Jesus as Saviour, to God as a loving father, and to the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus’ when He said: ‘I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.’

So many of us want to see Jesus. So many of us want to hear His voice. So many have longed and prayed for a tangible, palpable experience of God, no matter how transient, no matter how lateral that experience might prove to be. ‘If only I could touch Him, if only I could see His face,’ we say.

My most recent book, The Man in White, is a declaration by men and women who witnessed the direct intervention of the living God in their lives against all conceivable odds.

From terrorist hijackings in the mountains of Afghanistan; to a man who called on God to change the path of a cyclone; to a Melbourne doctor who was divinely led to develop the bionic ear that’s brought hearing to half a million profoundly deaf people; to a young woman in West Timor who survived personal tragedy to recover her faith and her trust in God. Each account is entirely different yet indelibly marked by one shared trait . . . And that is the personal intervention of God where in one critical moment each person encountered Jesus, the man in white, heard His voice or experienced the tangible, empowering presence of God.

As a medical doctor and physician, I have been a first-hand witness to these testimonies. I have researched and verified them. And now . . . through these accounts in The Man in White, I present them to you. The extraordinary . . . that confirms the certainty . . . of the living God. For such a time as this.