Category: Latest News

Nine Minutes Past Midnight

In ‘Nine Minutes Past Midnight’ we hear how Dr Crocker, called out to a medical emergency, came to be convinced that God was working alongside him. This led him to speak with many doctors from all branches of medicine and write about their stories. It is an inspirational account of how the personal God interacts and intervenes today in the world of medicine and medical people.

Indian Island

This is wonderful Indian Island off Camden Harbour in Maine. I borrowed my good friend Steve Levine’s Minolta to take it and rushed to get the exposure right before the gaff rigger sailed  on. The Photo won a silver medal in the Sydney International photo exhibition to my amazement. It gives me a wonderful sense of freedom that I otherwise only feel in my relationship with God. ‘You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free’.

Christian Business Network Breakfast – Brisbane

Just a few weeks ago I was invited to speak at a Brisbane CBD Christian Business Network breakfast at the invitation of a terrific  guy called Wes Leake.  This was held  at  Parliament House in Brisbane.  We had a great time. The people were wonderful and I managed to speak for twenty five minutes despite the portraits of past Premiers peering down at me from the wall.  My topic?  ‘God has a unique and  strategic purpose for your life’. Here is the You-Tube clip.